04/03/2011 03:39

In touch with me

I am a man

I was built to build

I am a man

God blessed me with skills

I am a man

I know how to pay bills

I am a man

I know how hard work feels

I am a man

I don't need to rob and kill

I am a man

I've learned to trust in God's will

I am a man

I will trust God from now until

As a man

I will help other men to heal

Because as a man

There's so much to deal

It's hard to trust men at times

Because your joy they try to steal

Most men won't volunteer to pay for your meal

My Pastor did

He's my example

Seeing him preach

Made me as a man, love God's church chapel

We as men

Need men to look up to

Sadly, these days

Men love to compete with you

Never looking to help you

Only looking to step over you

As a man, I encourage you

Never to let a man run over you

You are blessed!

You are skilled!

You can be anything you can do anything

With God, zest, and zeal

That's what I'm using

To write this to you

If more men shown love

Men wouldn't want to shoot you

Men were once boys

Many never had a father

This is a problem

That for many men is a bother

Men were once children

Who just wanted a listening ear

Behind that hard face

Are many scars and many tears

Because of fear

Many men drown themselves with beer

Seeing themselves worthless

Year after year

Tear after tear

They keep on losing things

what they love disappears

As men

Lets stand together

Let's fight


And pray together!

Friends forever

Bonded together

More than one can conquer all

An army of men is so much better

I encourage you men!

You can over come

I was on the vurge of becoming a bum

I wanted to rob with a gun

I know what it's like

To chew on some gum

Wanting someone's help

Looking around for someone

I looked left right front back

And saw no one

The one place I didn't look was up

Then God helped me hold on

I've learned to trust in God

More than anyone

He's the one who knows my future

He's my tutor

When my life was leaking

He became my roofer

The proof is in this website

God created it

He gave us the tools

Now look, we've made it!

The best is yet to come

What's most important is loving others first

Because of people being selfish

That's why so many people are cursed

They think that their status is more important

Than building their sister and brother

That's why so many are single

And haven't found their lover

We must build each other

And not just think about self

Doors open wide

When you think about others wealth

Yes, pursue your dream

Yes, pursue your vision

But encourage those who are not popular?

Don't allow your love to be hidden?

Are you willing to put your puzzle down?

To help someone else put there's together?

Are you only concerned with how you look?

Is it that you think that you are better?

If God checked your heart

Would his love in your heart be missen?

Do you pray for others like you pray for yourself?

Like you pray for your own dreams and visions?

This is good wisdom

For both men children and women

Lets all be sweet to one another

Lets not be bitter like a sour lemon

We all need someone

To get to the next level

Don't allow pride to make you ugly

Pride is always of the devil

God loves you

And so do I

You can be anything you want to be as long as it's not evil

Our God is the reason why!


Sincerely, Jonathan Langley




Men and women don't quit... Men and women keep fighting until they win!



Psalms 138:13-18

13. You (God) Created me completly; you knit me together

in my mother's womb.

14. I praise you because I am impressively and wonderfully made;

Your works are wonderful, I know that for sure.

15. My frame was not hidden from you (You were there the whole time) when

I was made in the secret place.

When I was woven together in the depths of the earth (From the dust of the ground)

16. Your eyes saw my unformed body.

All the days ordained for me were witten in your book

before my first breath came to be.

17. Your thoughts about me are precious, O God! There are many of them.

18. If I were to count the number of good thoughts you have about me,

they would outnumber the grains of sand.

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