04/16/2011 05:15

Underdogs (To Shayna)





“Shayna, this is for you”

From your brother






The least likely

The less likely

The most maybe

They think I’m crazy

I work hard

I try hard

I go hard

From the very start


“I am the underdog”


People seem to pass me by

Never seeming to catch my eye

No matter how hard I try

The truth is, I don’t know why


“I am the underdog"


I was born to be great

Despite all my mistakes

Sometimes it’s so hard to wait

There so much on my plate


“I am the underdog”


The disappointments

The so many failed appointments

Things that was so important

My failures feel like an abortion


“I am the underdog”


Instead of a queen

I feel like a frog

Instead of a princess

I live like a dog

Beneath my means

On my knees

Begging please

Lord fill my needs???


You are right where God wants you

God wants to use you

What you are going through

Is for people to relate too

Never be too in a hurry

God is with you so why do you worry?

God is the author of your life’s story

Humility is his children’s glory

When his underdogs look like their losing

The devil, GOD is confusing

It’s not the popular who are the greatest

It’s the underdogs that God are using

Saul looked the part

But David was the part

Saul had the skills

But David had God’s heart


Never forget who and whose you are?

In God’s eyes underdogs are still great stars

God is in control of this success of our

He controls the gravity that exalts the planet Mars

God feeds us

God clothes us

People doubt us

But it’s God who knows and chose us

God’s will is that we reach out to other underdogs

Those who are not the popular

Who even look like frogs

I’m not being funny

This is God’s heart

To turn a piece of dirt into a work of art

The first will be last and the last will be first

God blesses the ones who finishes the worst

I tried out for a basketball team

I was the shortest that the league had seen

Some of those guys was very mean

I had never played for a team as a teen

Still I traveled to Erie Pa and to Cleveland

Not really concerned with God’s purpose that I was leaven

God used that desperate move because I kept believen

I ignored the doubts, not from people but demons

I had to realize that no human was against me

The devil was the only one who played defense against me

For a minute I despised people because the devil convinced me

I was suspicious of people thinking everyone was coming against me

But it wasn’t people

It was something called evil

Which is to be expected

When you are God’s elected

Those letdowns

Is a part of us being perfected

Before Jesus became crowned in Heaven

He was first rejected before respected


I encourage you and others

To reach out to the rejected sisters and brothers

Never give up on your dreams


Together we must form a team

Underdogs among the big dogs

Sometimes there’s a big clash of interest

Some people we want help from are being healed

And with them God’s works not finished

They may look the part

But there are people who are waiting for you

An opportunity,

Even a homeless underdog could one day make for you

There may be a prostitute who is waiting for you

You may not have prostituted

But there may be something else that is relating to you

I want you to know sister Shayna

That I am praying for you

I am an underdog

But I know that God is taking me to

A place that he wants me to be

A place that’s greater than me

I love to write

There’s opportunities just waiting on me

What seemed to be a delay

Was just God’s own way

To prepare me to love all people

In every single way

It’s not about our success, more than it’s about the people we really bless.

I used to have a short mans complex, but I’ve learned that by me appreciating myself and the Gift God has given me, I’m made complete by using the gift that

God Gave me. As much as I love basketball, God chose my path. As much as Bishop loved accounting, God chose his path, as much as you love what you

love, God will chose your path. And whatever that path is, it will still lead to your success, and you will be happy and satisfied with whatever it is. I encourage

you to take a deep breath, and know that Jesus is interceding for you, Bishop is your covering, and myself and others are really praying for you. I felt on my

heart to write this too you to let you know that it doesn’t matter who is against you, everyone isn’t. We have to let go of the past, and forgive ourselves and

others, because there are people who look up to you, and if we confuse the people who look up to us with the people who are against us, we lose more people

who are for us than those who are really against us. I love you sis, and I can sometimes read the hurt and disappointments because I’ve been there. But I

encourage you not to be in a rush, because you are still young and God is with you, but if you go ahead of him, your leading the way and not him, and it brings

more pressure on us when we go ahead of him because we don’t know where the blessing is, but Jesus does. Have you ever seen a kid go ahead of their

parents and then turn around and panic because their parents are nowhere in sight? That’s how it is when we go ahead of God all because we wondered away

while thinking too much about what we were thinking about and becoming distracted by what was going on around us. That actually waste more of our time,

because then God/our parents have to find us, and or we have to find our way (By backtracking to where we already were) and restart from that place where we

disconnected, and we end up setting ourselves back. So if we just stay with God, the timing won’t be no where as bad as it could have been. If we walk with God, and stay

with him and not go ahead of him, we may onl have to wait 6 months to a year, and to many people that sounds discouraging, but if we go ahead of God, it may take 5 years to find

where God is, and another 2 years to get to the destination of all our success and blessings. So please, lol, please hear what my heart is saying? I hope and pray that nothing

I said or say offended or offends you or anyone, this is to let you know that myself and my girlfriend supports you. She told me that her and her family was

hoping for you to win the event you was in. But it’s not over for you just like it’s not over for me. Just keep doing what you do, but be watchful, because there are

females and men who look up to you. And they look up to you for a reason. But if you hold on to the past, it will always show either on your face and or in your

posture and conversation. I was in the Laundromat washing clothes, and mind you, my dad never told me he loved me “ever” but after he dropped me off at the

Laundromat, I asked him if I could call him so he could pick me up, and he said yes, and I said thanks dad, and as a woman was closing her car door to enter

the Laundromat, I smiled at her and told her she could enter the Laundromat first. Despite what my dad put me through as a child and his rejection and

putdowns “telling me I don’t think” and that the neighbors is gonna pass me and I was gonna get left down, I still showed him respect and I still showed love to

people. I strive not to be distracted by my personal problems in public so that I can shine the light of Jesus. When we become more concerned with our

success on this earth, God ignores us and our light becomes dim and people continue to be lost. God’s agenda is that the people who are in distress and

unsaved be won by our love and kindness. Our success isn’t as important as God’s desires, because none of us know how long we are even going to live on

this earth anyway. So we have to focus on storing up our treasures in Heaven more than on this earth, and whatever people think of us, who cares, because as

long as God is pleased, that’s all that matters. I’ve seen many people try to bulldog force doors of blessings to open, and unsuccessful in the process, and

many have turned their backs on God because they became covetous and didn’t even know it. Things and our reputations are not more important than love.

Trying to prove ourselves to people is pointless and it can and will never be achieved because people have too many expectations.

Whatever your gift is, keep using that, and just express love to everyone who comes down your path, and mainly the people you wouldn’t normally reach out

too and watch those underdogs build you up more than the people who run too you. Most times, the people who run to us, just want something from us, while

the ones who don’t run to us are just afraid of being rejected, not because they have something against us. Me and my girlfriend have a website:

www.beautyisthyname.com and some of the people and friends who we think would come check out the site and leave us a message on facebook, they don’t.

People who I thought I was close too. But the people who do, we both appreciate very much, and the people who push “like” on the poems and articles. But the

thing is, we aren’t doing these things to be noticed, people’s approval, or to be recognized, we are doing it all out of love because we know how it feels to go

through things and no one is there. So whatever you do, concentrate on the needs of the people/other underdogs, and God will bless the needs of us, his

people. Many people won’t help others because no one helped them or because they feel that they got to get ahead like this is some type of competition, but as

Christians, we can’t get caught up with competing with one another and trying to outdo one another. The ungodly know how to collaborate and work together,

while many Christians are doing solo projects and failing every single day, because God’s system doesn’t and will never ever work like that. People who belong

to God can try to keep doing things the world’s way, and even become successful, but if they used people as stepping stones to get to their mountain without

genuine love, God will never be pleased with the way they got there, and most times those types of people fade out the picture. But those who put their trust

fully in the Lord will always have and see victories. Always. God’s way is only slow so that we can “LEARN” his way of doing things, which is loving people. The

world will take advantage of people just to get ahead. God don’t want us to get so worried to the point that we start leaning on our own strength too much to the

point that we start compromising and psyching ourselves out into believing that using people is ok, because it’s never ok. People are not the key to our

platform; love is, because love is one of the most needed things in this world. You can take the worst person, and give them love, and change their entire

attitude. I’ve seen it. There are enough fake people in the world who feel superior because of their positions. Let’s not be like that, let’s be like Jesus, who wasn’t

concerned about his reputation, but concerned about loving people.


He too, was an underdog, now he's the top dog in Heaven, crowned with Glory. And this too, can and will, be our story…

Just look at the success of the world? Buster Douglas was the underdog to Mike Tyson, and look at what happened?

Buster Douglas, the man no one knew about, the man who went unnoticed, the underdog, knocked Mike Tyson out, and that was the last you heard of Mike.

And after that, everyone gained respect for Buster, the guy whose name sounds like a dog name, isn’t that a coincidence? The boxing statistics show, that

before that fight between those two, Buster Douglas was 41-1. That means that He already won 41 times and only lost once Shana. And all those wins never

got recognized until he defeated the champ. He had to get 41 victories first, before he got the top victory that put him on the map, and it was right after his mom

died. He had to fight 42 times before he could even fight the top guy, and just to be called an underdog when he got the opportunity. Nobody cared about his 42

wins. All everyone cared about, was who was the most popular. But he didn’t quit and he still believed in himself and the ability that God gave him. He beat Mike

Tyson while doing what he love which was boxing, and he won during one of his worst times, and I heard that he is one of the nicest people you could meet.

David wasn’t as noticed, until his victory over goliath.


What we all must do, is stay in our own lane, and not get in someone else’s lane, because our success is already designed for the lane we are supposed

to be in. If we try to cut into someone else’s lane, we will crash and hurt ourselves, and other innocent people, who, just like us, are trying to get to their

destination. Underdogs today, are the very ones who become the top dogs tomorrow.

Just look at our pastor, watch how God bless me, and if you follow this, watch how you just stumble on to a goldmine that you never even knew existed. I’m

telling you, because I’ve stumbled on to mine, and soon, everyone is going to know. I reach out to everyone even when they don’t reach first, and I encourage

my girlfriend to do the same. Because of the rejection we’ve been through, it’s really hard at times, even writing this too you, but because I do this, I stay

blessed, and there is more to come. We are two people who no one really notices, but we are working together and are open to anyone who wants to

colaborate together, but in the mean time we are just staying in our lane while reaching out to people "for free" because love is free, and we give the free love of

Jesus until the Lord is ready to bless us with our desires. And trust, we do have desires. Mine is called "The Dream Home"...

And if it be God's will I will have that, but if he chooses otherwise, I am satisfied (And I had to grow to this) but I am satisfied just helping people and having

a home and a family/ kids who I can love the way my dad never learned to love, due to his dad not knowing how to love him. All the love I never got, because of

the love Jesus showed me, I owe it to him, to show others love, and that's what the world needs...

I'm only making this public to encourage you, and to show others, that we all need to think about others

more than ourselves, because if I wasn't watchful, I would have never heard God speak to me and tell me to write this to encourage you Shayna, and you know,

we speak on passing at church, and I know I'm the least person you'd think would reach out to you this way, but this is what love is all about, and I beg you to

do the same, and everyone who reads this, no matter who you are, I beg you to reach out to people who you normally wouldn't and encourage them, and speak

to them even if they don't reach out first, because that kind of love, may be the very thing that God is waiting on from you, that will release the very thing you

desire from God. I was pulled on by God at around 3am this morning to write this for sister Shayna and it's now 6:11am 4/16/2011, and had I been thinking about

myself and my own problems, I would have never wrote this. I'm not asking anyone to be like me, I'm asking everyone to be like Christ, and love everyone. And

to you Shayna, I wan't you to know, that Sophia and I love you, and you are a blessing more than you know… And if no one has told you this, because they're

caught up into themselves, we believe in you!!!! Finish your race strong Shayna, and everyone... Shayna,you can, and everyone reading this can do it!!!!

P.S. I spelled your name wrong at first, but I think their all corrected, but if not please forgive me, lol...

And I hope you not mad at me for doing this, but this is what we supposed to do as Christians, and I hope that others will do the same, because there are people who are broken, and waiting for

someone to come by and help them up off the ground, but because everyone is so focused on them, they continue to go unnoticed. There were plenty, and I mean pleanty of times I wished

someone reached out to me, and they didn't. And some of the people who came to me, they came to me, not asking if I were ok, but instead, they reminded me of how I wasn't available for

them. The way to be blessed, is by helping and thinking about others more than ourselves, and when we do that, all we can do is "WIN" "WIN" "WIN"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Love you sis,
sincerely your bro



May God bless you always!

© Copyright 2011 Beauty is thy name. All rights reserved.

(Except for the pictures)




Men and women don't quit... Men and women keep fighting until they win!



Psalms 138:13-18

13. You (God) Created me completly; you knit me together

in my mother's womb.

14. I praise you because I am impressively and wonderfully made;

Your works are wonderful, I know that for sure.

15. My frame was not hidden from you (You were there the whole time) when

I was made in the secret place.

When I was woven together in the depths of the earth (From the dust of the ground)

16. Your eyes saw my unformed body.

All the days ordained for me were witten in your book

before my first breath came to be.

17. Your thoughts about me are precious, O God! There are many of them.

18. If I were to count the number of good thoughts you have about me,

they would outnumber the grains of sand.

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